Friday, December 19, 2008


Of course you've all heard the news. J-ichelle (thanks to Barren for her new name!) Duggar had her 18th baby.

Now, I know you all think I'm crazy, what with the gaggle of kids that I have and wanting to make more. I get that I'm a bit of a sadist. I know that my mental stability has been called into question already this week by a very good perinatologist for considering this (I swear to you, he was joking. I think...). But you certainly canNOT compare me to J-ichelle. Right?

Well, I hope not.

But, that being said, I can't possibly turn down THIS picture - thanks again to Barren. :)


LJ said...

Yeah, when you get into the double digits in your home, I'll let you know you're plenty crazy. ;)

Ariel said...

I don't know how she does it... I couldn't even deliver my petite 7 pound daughter the "natural" way... And she's had 18! I love babies. So I understand why she'd have as many as possible...:)

Anonymous said...

You know I am on the outside of the circle here on Michelle Duggar. It's impossible for us to imagine 18 but I commend them. They home school, they have no debt, they have paid for everything in cash.

I commend them. Now when we talk about Jon and Kate plus 8...well they peave me off.

amber said...

as my friend likes to say (while clapping her hands) - "funny, 'cuz it's true!" ;)

barrenisthenewblack said...
