Thursday, March 12, 2009

Good News

So the good news is that I confirmed with my doctor that I am doing a 20-10 decrease on the Lupron once I start the stim protocol. My poor nurse. I made her check with him about 6 times. "But you're sure he knows that last time I did 20-20, right?" "No, I mean, really sure because I think he thinks I did 20-5." "Okay, but you're absolutely certain that my record reflects 20-20, right?" "I mean, definitely he knows I did 20-20, and even though he said increase on the phone, he actually meant decrease, right? He *does* know what he's doing, right? RIGHT?"


Not like I didn't think SuperDoc knew what he was doing or anything.

I, um. I mean. Of course SuperDoc knows what he's doing!


Ohmygod whatthehelliswrongwithme? When did I turn into *that* patient? I must be stopped. Hopefully they just think it's the Lupron talking? Maybe they just think I'm a little knackered? A lot? Surely they *must* know these drugs make their patients crazy, we don't all start out this way. Right?

The bad news is my head hurts. Shocker. Maybe when I decrease to 10units, life will be dandy again. I can dream, right?


Sarah said...

LOL. I was "that patient" too! I think when it is IVF you just cannot help it. There is no way the doc knows as much about YOU as you do! At least that was my theory when repeating myself again AND AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

You had reason to check. Even competent doctors make just the kind of mistakes you had reason to think might've been made. The previous commenter is correct; you are your only case, while the doctor has many. Hang in there!

So, what is the intended schedule for the next few weeks?