Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Waiting *updated*

Not ready to trigger, apparently. WHATEVER.

SuperDoc is this cute little South African Jewish man. My primary nurse is as Irish Catholic as you get. Me? I'm an Orthodox Jew. So SuperDoc loves to torture my nurse by peppering his notes to me with little Hebrew & Yiddish phrases. She can never pronounce them and certainly has no idea what "meshuga" or "shiksa" means.

So today he tells her that I should stay on the same dose tonight and come back for monitoring tomorrow.

"Are you frickin' kidding me?" I said.
"You're not ready to trigger, darlin'" my nurse replied.
"Oh for crying out loud. This is going to mean a Saturday retrieval."
"Or not. If I had to guess I'd say you're goint to trigger Friday, not Thursday. But that's just a guess."
"Friday? So a Sunday retrieval then. Hrm. I could work with that. But you know it's going to be a Saturday retrieval. He's doing this to me on purpose."
"He said to say something else to you, but you know he's just trying to make me look stupid, because you know I can't pronounce any of this..."
"It says, 'peekoowa' I dunno... there's that 'ch' thing on the end. Then 'ne-' um. Peekooo. I don't know."
We went on like that for a while before I realized what she was saying.
"Are KIDDING ME? Pikuach Nefesh? Is that what he wrote? REALLY?"
"Yeah! Exactly! I knew you'd know what I was trying to say!"
"You know, that quiet, serene, calm little man is evil. EVIL. Do you know what he just told me?"
"Um, no? I have no idea!"
"He just told me I'm having retrieval on Saturday."
"Oh, he acts all quiet and and soft-spoken and sweet, but underneath it all? He's a little smartass, that one! And don't you forget it!"

(for the record, pikuach nefesh does not apply here, though that doesn't mean that there aren't halachically appropriate ways to be able to go to a retrieval on Shabbos - it's just a logistical nightmare)

Needless to say, this is not going to be fun at all if that's the way it plays out. But hey, maybe another day or two will get us to 8? Meh. We'll just have to see what happens, right? There's really not much we can do about it regardless. It's going to be the way it's going to be and it will either work or it won't.

Update: same dose = same dose as prescribed originally. I did tell my nurse about the accidental double dose. But no harm, no foul, and we'll just see what happens.

and yes, my doctor does have a sense of humor. And he certainly does think I still have a sense of humor. Little does he know.


Rachel said...

This made me laugh. I thought all RE's were nice Jewish men until I landed up in City X (someplace why down South) with an Irish Catholic doctor who thought our obsession with 'weekends off' and scheduling in advance was totally bizarre.

amber said...

with the aid of lovely google, i now understand your post and got a lesson in Judaism. see, you do learn something new everyday!

keeping my fingers crossed that retrieval is not saturday.

Sunny said...

Why can't it ever be easy? I always say, because it makes for a good story. HUGS!

Anonymous said...

Poor you. I can't believe the doctor said that to you! I would be inclined to call him a bit of an ass!

I also googled what it meant. If you have a chance, email me what it means. I love learning more about Judaism from you. Your explanations have always been so, I don't really know the word, but way better than google!

I hope you won't have to deal with retrieval on Saturday. I know what a huge deal that would be, and really, you don't need any more complication in your life.

Maredsous said...

Hope you get to 8. It sounds like your doctor has a sense of humor or maybe he at least thinks you have a sense of humor. As you know, our bodies do what the need to do. I hope you find a way to work around it if it is Saturday. I wish could have retrieval on Sundays, but apparently our anesthesiologists don't work on Sundays.

I still can't believe that you haven't triggered yet, but hoping that it is Friday now.

Anonymous said...

stay on the same dose tonight

The same prescribed dose or the same mistaken double-dose?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!
Hope it is a good one so far and you are feeling well.

Kitty said...

Finally read through your entire blog (instead of catching up on laundry) and I am so thankful you are sharing.
Anyway, I was unfortunately laughing at your expense because your RE sounds just like mine and we love, love, love him. The only difference is that ours tells borderline off-color jokes during your procedure and it's hard not to laugh when I'm supposed to be relaxing in "the romantic environment I have carefully set up" (his words for the sterile operating room). Good luck this weekend.

Helene Eichenwald Slutsky said...

In response you should heed the words of my Granmother....Lezzum Gain! Let him go....meaning, whatever he said, just shrug it off, and let it go.

He will see you on Saturday if necessary, and if not, so be it.

So there!

decemberbaby said...

I think I love your RE.