Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's for the sake of Shalom Bayis, after all!

I found an excuse to bug my nurse for the cryo report. For the sake of shalom bayis I must know the disposition of those struggling little blastocysts! Honest! For those of you who don't want to click on the link, shalom bayis is literally "peace in the home" - it is the concept of peace and harmony in the household and good relations between husband and wife. In this case, I realized that if there was anything to freeze (again, I think not), then I'm likely to get nailed with ~$1500 bill for freezing and storage (it's a little less, but just go with me, okay? And actually, it it was just one, it's significantly less). A girl's gotta prepare her husband for a bill like that, right?

So, for the sake of domestic tranquility, I emailed SuperNurse and said, you know, I hate to be nosy and all, but does she know the disposition of my struggling little life forms? And really, she wouldn't want our marriage to be in jeopardy, right? It's for the sake of our marriage! Plus, after all, enquiring minds want to know! This is front page news! Sort of.

Okay, not remotely, but I'm sure all of you are clamoring to know. Right? RIGHT?

Ahem. All righty then. So it's just ME that wants to know. Yet another way for me to pass the time. The endless, boring time stretched before me. Another eight, looooooooong days before my beta. With nothing to do but sit here and whine, complain, bitch, blither to you about the mundanity of life when there is absolutely nothing interesting going on in my life. Absolutely nothing worth blogging about.

Nothing to see here, move along. Move along.

Oh! Hey! If there was *nothing* to freeze, maybe I can convince the man that since he just saved $1500 buckeroos, he should take me out to dinner next week to celebrate! Or, um, to console me in my um, sadness. That's right. Because I'll be all sad that we won't have anything to save and therefore won't have to pay out of pocket for freezing, storage and FETs that the insurance won't cover... Yeah. Sad. That's right.

(ooh! And Score! I totally bought a pile of HPTs. They should arrive on my doorstep tomorrow or the next day! They aren't my beloved FRER's, but I'm a girl on a budget now. And this should support my habit for at least a little while, right? Just, um, don't tell my husband, okay? Oh for crying out loud, honey, they cost LESS THAN A DOLLAR EACH! And, no, I did not buy 300 of them. Just 297... KIDDING!)


decemberbaby said...

I'm all about the super cheap HPT's. They feed my addiction for a dollar a day - and like any other addict, once I've had my daily fix I can actually think about other stuff.

barrenisthenewblack said...

Good job buying the HPT's. I will pee vicariously through you:)

Anonymous said...

I want to know how you do it. You have 4 kids, a full time job, you are involved in lots of other stuff and you can still manage to blog multiple times in a day!

Enjoy your stash of sticks. I hope you get your dinner out next week. No matter what the occasion.

amber said...

inexpensive hpts! nice!