Thursday, June 4, 2009

Club Soda, Anyone? (not for the faint hearted)

So you know how when you're giving an IM shot, you're supposed to pull back on the plunger to see if you get any blood in the syringe before you shoot yourself up with the contents of said syringe? And you know how you always think that it's a stupid thing to bother with because after 47 shots, you've never ever had any blood appear in the syringe, so what's the point?

Well, so tonight, my husband was giving me my PIO, and he pulled back on the syringe and I wasn't even paying attention and he said, "Oh, I got blood, I'm sorry." I thought he was done with the shot and he just meant I was bleeding from the shot. Nope. He meant there was blood in the syringe.

"Okay, well, I think you have to take it out and we'll start over."

I don't know - is that what you're supposed to do? I think so. Isn't that the point of finding out if there's blood? I think so. I honestly can't remember. See, I'm in a lot of pain right now (I have a migraine plus I think I need a root canal, but who has time for that?) so I'm drugged and tired, so I can't really think straight.

So he pulls the syringe out of my derriere and says, "And now there's blood on the floor." I handed him a piece of gauze. And then another when that one wasn't enough. He handed me the syringe which... wasn't reusable. Or maybe it was, but gosh there was a lot of blood in it. I don't know, can you use it again? I'm thinking no, but I dunno, who knows. I'll ask my nurse tomorrow.

So while my husband is trying to get me to stop bleeding, I drew up a new dose of PIO. And then he successfully gave me the PIO without incident. Whew.

Um. So does anyone have any ideas about how to get blood out of beige carpet?


Jessica said...

You without fail make me giggle...Even if it is over you bleeding on the rug. :)
Anyway, peroxide takes it out! Good luck honeybun...

Malky B. said...

I'm sorry your having such a hard time with the shot. I pretty sure you should start again with a new one. Get to the dentist for that tooth. Healthy teeth and gum's are very important for pregnancy. Think of it as part of your fertility effort. If peroxide doesn't work Woolite stain magic or similar carpet sprays are very good too.

Best of luck with this cycle and Shabbos transfer.

ms. c said...

Just catching up on the whole cycle here. Glad to see taht the embies are looking good! Yay!
Sorry about the shot, I have no advice for the blood stain as I don't own a single carpet.
I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

battynurse said...

I second the peroxide for the blood on the carpet. As far as the blood in the syringe, yes you are supposed to stop as they don't want the medicine going into a vein where it's absorbed much quicker. Technically in the nursing world I am supposed to get a new syringe etc and start over however if I was at home as long as there wasn't too much blood in the syringe I'd probably just contine with the syringe. Any germs that may be on it are your own flora that you're used to and besides you've cleansed your skin before poking. Yes I am aware that this isn't recommended by my nursing school instructors.

Winnifred said...

I was going to say what battynurse said (except i'm not a nurse -- i just remember because they just told me at the clinic!!)

your blog makes me laugh :)

Sam said...

Vinegar gets it out of everything.