Monday, June 8, 2009

cryo report and peeing on sticks

I know it will shock you all to hear this, but... none of my little buggers made it to the freezer.

I'm ... well, I suppose on one level I am upset that I can't seem to make decent embryos (though I do know that my clinic has really high standards for freezing embryos). But on the other hand, I'm incredibly relieved that I'm not being faced with a $1300 cryopreservation bill that I really don't have the money for right now.

Well, you know? I suppose there's always the possibility that George, Jr. will just stick around and this will all be a moot point, right?

Um. Yeah.

My buddy Barren asked when I start peeing on sticks. I hope I don't. I'm just not sure I can deal with the neurosis, the hope, the devastation, the rationalizing, the maybes (maybe it's too early, maybe it's a dud stick, maybe I should try another brand, maybe, maybe, maybe).

I'm sure I'll cave. I have, after all, a pile of the internet EPTs in the bathroom cabinet. How could a girl truly resist?


barrenisthenewblack said...

You know how people make those diaper cakes for baby showers? Well, I think we should make pee stick cakes to give to newly cycling women to welcome them to the club.
Sorry for the negative on the blast-cicles.

Anonymous said...

Sigh. I am sorry there isn't anything to freeze.

Lollipop Goldstein said...

I'm sorry there wasn't anything to freeze, but I certainly hope George Jr is around for a good, long time.

battynurse said...

Sorry about nothing making it to freeze. That sucks. Hopefully George JR is there for the long haul.
Oooh, I like barren's idea. A peestick cake. I was always so sucky at not peeing on sticks. I still am. Every so often I'll dig out a opk and pee on it just to get my fix. Not like I can doing anything about it even if it was positive.

Imagica said...

u just need one to stick :) geogre jr on the way 9 months from now!

barren- i love the peestick cake idea!!

Beth said...

Thinking of George Jr... come on, George!!! :)

chicklet said...

I always thought I'd resist, and then the last few days came and I couldn't bear it and just needed to do it. And having that damn stock never helped my rubber arm being bent to do it.

Sux that there's none to freeze. It's hard hearing that - I know, been there, done that. It blows.

Carol said...

also sorry that you didn't have anything to freeze, but you had realistic expectations so hopefully it's not too big of a blow. I'm still hoping you won't need them anyway and this one is the magic little morula for you!

I'm always terrible about encouraging others to POAS - even though I'm not sure I'll do it myself. evil, I know.

Lori said...

The only time I didn't pee on sticks is the time I actually got pregnant. Resist, resist!!! Yeah, easier said then done.

Hope George Jr is a sticky little embryo.

ms. c said...

Resistance is futile. ;)
(I just wanted to say that. You will do what feels right when you wake up one moring...)

Sorry there was nothing to freeze. I DO hope the issue is a moot one.

Anonymous said...

I am still hopeful that George Jr will stick around.

As for the pee is definitely a love/hate relationship there. Most of the time, it was hate, of course. Sending prayers for you...

Shelby said...

Sucks that there was nothing left to freeze. Hoping that George Jr decides to make your ute a home. Fingers crossed!

Chris said...

Sometimes I almost miss the excitement of peeing on sticks. How sad is that. Of course, I also got to relax back then, so maybe my hazy memory is confusing that?

Good luck!