Monday, March 16, 2009

Nectar of the Gods

It's possible that some of you have been reading various iterations of my blog long enough to know that there was a time that I had quite the affinity for Coca Cola - herafter referred to as the Nectar of the Gods (or, simply, The Nectar). In fact, I was quite offended to discover during my pregnancy that it tasted disgusting to me, and a few of you found out the full extent of my loyalty to The Nectar when you foolishly suggested that That OTHER INFERIOR so-called-Cola product *cough*pepsi*cough* might be a reasonable substitute.

Well, since then I really haven't had much Coke in my life. Though I could say in all honesty that I was a full-blown Coke addict (not THAT kind of coke, silly! The yummy caffeinated cola kind!), I really don't touch the stuff all that often anymore. Now, it is simply a special treat now and again.

But here's the thing!

I have discovered a very important use for The Nectar. It turns out that caffeine actually is the one thing that actually helps these stupid Lupron headaches. Um, well, a little bit, anyway. Look, I'll take ANY little tiny bit of relief I can get, okay? Mel was actually the one who told me that caffeine would help Lupron headaches. "But," she cautioned, "only if you have enough caffeine that it raises your estrogen so much that it sort of defeats the purpose of the Lupron." So not really a good solution.

Obviously caffeine wasn't a good option. This cycle, I happened to have a Nectar one day when I was in the middle of a terrible Lupron-induced stupor/headache and while the headache was still horrifically bad, it DID take the throbbing out of my eyeball, so it no longer felt like I had a jackhammer slicing through my right eye. Definitely an improvement. I have, therefore, felt absolutely no inhibition about drinking a coke or three per day since then. Go me. (I'm kidding about the three)

That being said, yesterday I found a far more effective way of avoiding the Lupron headache. Yep. I forgot to take my Lupron until mid-afternoon. By the time I took it, I'd already had a Nectar, so I didn't get a headache right away. The headache hit me in full force at about 3am. Getting out of bed this morning was nearly impossible. Today's headache was far worse than usual and no amount of caffeine was going to help it. My Nectar had failed me.

There is, however, light at the end of the tunnel. Tomorrow should be my last day on 20 units per day. I have my CD2 monitoring appt. and I should start Follistim and Luveris tomorrow night and then drop to 10 units of Lupron Wed. morning. Plus, with higher starting doses on the stims, my estrogen level should go up faster, so the Lupron headaches should subside faster regardless of the drop in dose. So it's all good. Right?

Last order of business - who wants to place bets on whether Dr. S. has gotten a mobile up in Room 1 yet? I'm betting on a Negatory.

No fudge for him if he hasn't gotten it up yet. I made fudge for everyone else though. With nuts.


Beth said...

Those headaches sound awful! I was on a low dose of lupron during ivf so I was more crampy than head-achey (if that's a word). Well, it does seem like the light is at the end of the lupron corner for you, thank goodness!

Question for you... I heard an advertisement for a fertility clinic today (in No. VA) that uses "natural cycle IVF". Have you heard of it? Your thoughts? I love reading your opinion on all things fertility. I hope you're saving all your notes for a book someday. :)

battynurse said...

Yummmmm. Fudge sounds good. My nectar of the gods is Dr. Pepper and I have used it many a times to side track a headache. I hope yours subside soon.